Please note our Palos Heights office has changed locations, and our Frankfort office has moved to Mokena - View Locations


We'll help you explore your triggers, recognize patterns in your behavior, and find new healthier ways to cope and make positive changes.

Substance Abuse (Drugs and Alcohol)

APC provides services to individuals suffering from a variety of compulsive behavior difficulties. Our certified substance abuse specialists:

We provide services for the family members and loved ones affected by another’s substance abuse or addiction. Our programs provide individual and group therapy services to adults and adolescents.

Young boy with head in his hands

Sexual Addiction

APC offers a broad spectrum of sexual addiction therapies treating issues from pornography to compulsive sexual behaviors.

The complicated issues of sexual addiction require multi-strategy approaches, available for both addict and spouse/partner, in individual or couples sessions. Components of the therapy can include:

Treatment emphasizes education regarding the addictive cycle, rituals, rebuilding marital/relationship trust and understanding the path to recovery. It promotes honesty and hope through a frank, yet compassionate approach, to helping addicted persons relate constructively to self, others, the environment and God.

Man standing under red light

Eating Disorders

APC offers counseling to adults and adolescents suffering from a range of eating disorders including anorexia, bulimia or compulsive overeating. Treatment includes:

APC counselors coordinate services with medical personnel such as nutritionists or physicians when appropriate to the individual’s care.

Table of treats such as cookies and doughnuts

Opioid Addiction

In today’s world, problem use of opioids such as pain medications and heroin is becoming widespread. APC offers education and counseling services for individuals suffering from their or a loved one’s use of these substances. Relapse with opioids is common due to the difficulty and unpleasantness of the withdrawal from these substances and the urges and cravings often experienced. APC therapists have physician resources to refer a client for medication to assist in the withdrawal process and minimize the cravings. Counseling along with the use of medications, when appropriate, improves the odds for a successful recovery from these substances.

Process Addictions

Like drugs and alcohol, certain behaviors, if compulsively engaged in, can develop into an addiction: These are called process addictions. Process addictions, like drug and alcohol addictions, create chemical changes in the brain and can produce a rewarding “high” type of feeling. It is the process of engaging in the behavior that triggers these pleasurable feelings.

The APC certified substance abuse specialist are all experienced in working with the various process addictions, including:

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